
Tuesday 27 April 2010

/ˈkreɪkən/ /ˈkrɑːkən/)

a- a-6 + byssós : bottom of the sea

the primal chaos before Creation.
the infernal regions; hell.
a subterranean ocean.

I've always been fascinated by obscure and mythological creatures.

That's why I've always loved the creatures from the abyss, no not the movie
(if you haven't seen it, please do it. it's an amazing "horror" D movie: )

The Kraken, a giant squid, is one of the most fascinating sea creatures.
In 1752, the Bishop of Bergen, Erik Ludvigsen Pontoppidan, wrote his Natural History of Norway and described the Kraken as a "floating island" one and a half miles across.
According to stories, this cephalopod could reach as high as the top of a sailing ship's main mast with its arms deployed, so when the Kraken attacked a ship, it wrapped its arms around the hull and capsize it.
The crew would drown or be eaten by the monster. Kraken were mostly noticed in the seas of Scandinavia. Fishermen said that huge amounts of fishs gravitate around Kraken and the boat that succeeds to fish around the monster without awaking it will take more than possible to carry aboard.

Another charming creature is Medusa, in Greek mythology a gorgon, a female monster, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto.
The three Gorgon sisters were daughters of ancient Sea Gods, Ceto and Phorcys. Two, Stheno and Eluryah were immortal, but the third, Medusa was not. She had been a female of absolute beauty, mostly her long, silky hair. She bragged at being more beautiful than the Goddess Athena, and one day, while in her temple, she was ravished by the Sea God Neptune. Athena was outraged by this and turned Medusa into the Gorgon she became famous for being. She turned her beautiful hair into snakes and let it be that she could no longer see the handsome men who came to court her, as they would instantly be turned to stone if they looked into her eyes

It sounds like the unlucky destiny of a sad princess.


  1. super* I like it!


  2. thank you for the appreciation :)

    i'll follow you

  3. It's basque/ I'm basque, I live in the basque country...

    that's why i write in basque and english...

  4. ooooh ok,
    thank you!

    that's cool :)
